Monday, May 9, 2011


       Time flew by once again. Soon i will be a Junior...woah...
In all reality i do not want the seniors to graduate, though the majority cannot wait to get out of this town. Im going to miss them. Im pointing two kids out specifically. Jordan. You are my brother. Soon you will be off to the navy, i honestly do not know what to say...i will miss not seeing you everyday i come to your house, But i cant wait to get you your graduation present. thats for sure. Remember how we are married, and have been for like forever. Well, we always said we will sign the papers but then we eventually forget about the argument and dont. Well on your graduation party day, im "signing those papers" mainly because your going to the navy. But you are still getting the deal that we agreed on. I get the house and money, you get the goat and stripper pole. Oh, and im going to miss working with you. Take care Jordan.
Then there is Shane, ive know him as well before i was a freshman, the first time i really got to talk to him he helped Nikiesha and I get our biology project done. Thanks. We (Jordan, You, and I) have had a lot of.....'deep' moment. ahhaha. awkward moments if that. But you are leaving for the Navy as well, your excited. But you and i do not have a relationship as Jordan and I do, so you will not be getting a goat, or stripper pole. Sorry? Anyways, im going to ...surprising...miss you as well, you and Jordan acting like complete dumb fucks in school. Take care Shane..
There are a few other seniors ill miss hanging out with, such as; Nicholas, Colton, Sara, Jordan, Shane, and Caitlin. Good luck you guys, :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Drama in the halls

High school. i tell you. Better than middle school but still bad. There was drama today. Over someones TUMBLR post. Stupid right? right. A blog is like a freakin' DIARY. you have the free will to write whatever you please how ever you feel. I'm not taking sides. But seriously, she has the right to write whatever she wants on her blog. Don't take it to heart. And for the other. Maybe you shouldn't tell many about your blog if your putting certain peoples names or such in it. But with me, all i have to say is IDGAF. Got it?

Bee-Tee-Dubs. This drama at high school isn't with me. Just two other high schoolers that i talk to. I'm just stating if someone were to get mad at me about my blog, i really wouldn't care. Its high school .once its over. I'm out.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Early Birthday

Well Bro. It is your thirteenth birthday tomorrow. Dang your getting older...and taller... Soon it will be my seventeenth, 4 more months. Anyways this post is about you. not me. So kid-oh. Happy 13th Birthday (Early) Hope you get the bike you want. And i cant wait to get some ice cream cake :D! oh yes. I'm sorry for everything that has happened in your life right now but you and i are strong we will get through it. But you know what. I always thought it was stupid for someone not to go to college, but in August when everything went down...I was actually thinking of not going to college and having you move with me. Because i didn't want to leave you here. with them. But everything is easing and you are loving them again. So i see you are fine. But for me and Kelsey? We will never be fine. I feel bad for Kelsey, i see how it hurts her seeing us hurt. She has it easier. never having to see them. So Kelsey. I'm sorry. I cannot speak for Kelsey, but as for me. I will never forgive the person i use to call my mom. She has changed. changed for the worse. She is not who i knew. Me and her use to be best friends. i called her that. But now we fight every time we see each other. I use to hate dad as well but i realized all this isn't his fault. So i want to live with him. Soon it will be that. BUT ANYWAYS BRO. I love you. Sorry. And Happy Early Birthday! i love ya.