Monday, May 9, 2011


       Time flew by once again. Soon i will be a Junior...woah...
In all reality i do not want the seniors to graduate, though the majority cannot wait to get out of this town. Im going to miss them. Im pointing two kids out specifically. Jordan. You are my brother. Soon you will be off to the navy, i honestly do not know what to say...i will miss not seeing you everyday i come to your house, But i cant wait to get you your graduation present. thats for sure. Remember how we are married, and have been for like forever. Well, we always said we will sign the papers but then we eventually forget about the argument and dont. Well on your graduation party day, im "signing those papers" mainly because your going to the navy. But you are still getting the deal that we agreed on. I get the house and money, you get the goat and stripper pole. Oh, and im going to miss working with you. Take care Jordan.
Then there is Shane, ive know him as well before i was a freshman, the first time i really got to talk to him he helped Nikiesha and I get our biology project done. Thanks. We (Jordan, You, and I) have had a lot of.....'deep' moment. ahhaha. awkward moments if that. But you are leaving for the Navy as well, your excited. But you and i do not have a relationship as Jordan and I do, so you will not be getting a goat, or stripper pole. Sorry? Anyways, im going to ...surprising...miss you as well, you and Jordan acting like complete dumb fucks in school. Take care Shane..
There are a few other seniors ill miss hanging out with, such as; Nicholas, Colton, Sara, Jordan, Shane, and Caitlin. Good luck you guys, :)

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